• 347-726-5204
  • |
  • diligentmechanical@gmail.com

Repair, service & maintenance

At Diligent Mechanical Sprinkler Inc., we recognize the vital role that fire protection system repair and servicing play in preserving both life safety and property integrity. It's crucial for safeguarding your investment's longevity. When selecting a dependable fire sprinkler service and repair contractor, prioritizing proper certifications is essential to ensure your system functions optimally. Our team at Diligent Mechanical Sprinkler Inc. is fully equipped to address your repair and service needs, whether it's fire pump testing or fire sprinkler piping repair. With our skilled technicians, we work closely with you to establish a proactive service schedule, minimizing the risk of unforeseen repairs.

We are well-versed in the requirements for repairing and servicing fire sprinkler systems, ensuring compliance with local building codes, fire department regulations, and insurance provider standards. Diligent Mechanical Sprinkler Inc. specializes in servicing various fire suppression systems.

Systems We Work With:

  • Dry Sprinkler Systems
  • Dry Standpipe Systems
  • Wet Sprinkler Systems
  • Pre-action Systems
  • Combination Standpipe and Sprinkler Systems
  • Compactor / Refuse Room Sprinkler Systems
  • Fire Pumps
  • Fire Suppression Systems


Contact Diligent today to discuss the health and safety needs of your building.

  • 347-726-5204
  • diligentmechanical@gmail.com

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